When on the road, especially the open road, it’s a common fear of many people to drive near a long haul truck or a freight vehicle. Drivers are intimidated by the size of these vehicles and often become nervous when they find themselves next to, in front of or even behind one. As a result of this, drivers tend to pay more attention to the long haul truck, rather than their own driving practices, which can actually put them in more harm and cause distractions for the truck driver.
One common mistake that drivers make when faced with driving next to a long haul truck in Quebec is to stay away from the center: they drift to the cab of the truck next to them and stay there as much as possible. This is actually a very bad place to drive, as it encompasses much of the blind spot that a truck driver has to deal with. Staying near the middle of the truck or even as far back as the back wheels is preferred because it gives the driver an opportunity to see your car and be aware of your presence. Never drive close behind the truck or adjacent to the passenger side of the cab either, as these are also crucial blind spots for the trucker.
Another tendency of nervous drivers is to keep their focus on the truck near them, which can cause them to drift and swerve slightly in their lane. This poses a very dramatic problem for a truck driver, because when they see this happening, it’s going to draw their attention to that car. Eventually, no one on the road is paying attention to their own driving anymore and they’re all nervous because of the people around them! It’s best to acknowledge the presence of a long haul truck and trust that the driver will keep driving safely and responsibly. After all, companies like Brave Transport only hire drivers that are extremely qualified to handle these large vehicles. You can have peace of mind knowing that the driver of that truck is intent on being the best driver that he or she possibly can be.
Finally, when it comes to driver’s etiquette, be sure to remember that long haul trucks are quite a bit bigger than an average vehicle in Quebec. This means that they need more room to merge and a longer period to stop, so be sure to give them these necessary extras. If you’re not careful to allot the right amount of space and time for a long haul trucker to drive properly, you’ll be putting yourself, the trucker and everyone else around you at risk.
By following these common courtesy options, you’ll be keeping the roads safer every time you encounter a long haul truck driver. If you’re the nervous type, who isn’t comfortable driving next to a trucker, be sure to avoid that situation by slowing down, safely speeding up or pulling over until you feel safe enough to drive normally again. If everyone works together on the road, the risks go down tremendously.